Note: Kaspersky Security Suite CBE 2009 is in German language is default language but it’s possible to change the user interface to English language.
1. Visit the following Kaspersky Security Suite CBE 09 promotional page:
2. Fill in the registration form. The translated meaning of the field in shown in figure below.
Note: For users who already have Computer Bild account, registration is not required, and the registration step can be skipped. Go directly to login at the following URL instead:
3. Check the mailbox for email from and click on the activation link.
4. On the web page, select and tick the second check box which says Personlichen Lizenzschlussel anfordern oder verlangern.

5. Click on Lizenzschlüssel anfordern button.
6. Another email will be sent, together with a common activation license key code to activate Kaspersky Security Suite CBE 2009.
7. Download Kaspersky CBE 2009 Security Suite setup installer:
8. Use the received license key to activate Kaspersky Security Suite 2009 CBE.
9. The installed Kaspersky Security Suite 2009 CBE will be in German language. To switch and change the user interface to English, open up the Kaspersky window, and click click Einstellungen button for Settings.
10. Go to Parameter and unselect or untick the check box for Selbstschutz aktiveren option.

11.Run Registry Editor (RegEdit.exe).
12. Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\protected\AVP8\environment (for 64-bit OS)
13. Change the value of Localization to en from “de”.
14. Restart computer.
15. Note that the serial key is now giving subscription period of 3 months by default. Return to sign in at the following website every quarter to get updated or new reg key to renew activation for up to a year’s free protection.
Tip: User having problem to activate online or require offline activation key file, here’s how to activate Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 via key file.
link 1
Link bai viet nay or đây
Một cách nữa đơn giản hơn.
B1. Bạn tắt Enable Self - defense đi, thoát kas và tiếp b2
B2. Bạn vào đây
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security Suite CBE 09\Skin\loc
Xóa hoạc đổi tên folder "de" thành gì cũng được, sau đó đổi "en" thành "de"
Chạy lại kas là được giao diện tiếng anh.
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